Location: Islington, London

Sector: Interiors - Office CAT A

Size: 5,000 sqft

Year: Completed 2023

Reinstate a fantastic CAT A product for the new tenant which celebrates the existing building but accommodates the necessary upgrades.

Working with Derwent London and Bloom construction we took a scan of the vacated office space, coordinated the services enhancements and designed the necessary upgrades before overseeing construction.

Location: Islington, London

Sector: Interiors - Office CAT A

Size: 5,000 sqft

Year: Completed 2023

Reinstate a fantastic CAT A product for the new tenant which celebrates the existing building but accommodates the necessary upgrades.

Working with Derwent London and Bloom construction we took a scan of the vacated office space, coordinated the services enhancements and designed the necessary upgrades before overseeing construction.

Location: Islington, London

Sector: Interiors - Office CAT A

Size: 5,000 sqft

Year: Completed 2023

Reinstate a fantastic CAT A product for the new tenant which celebrates the existing building but accommodates the necessary upgrades.

Working with Derwent London and Bloom construction we took a scan of the vacated office space, coordinated the services enhancements and designed the necessary upgrades before overseeing construction.

Location: Islington, London

Sector: Interiors - Office CAT A

Size: 5,000 sqft

Year: Completed 2023

Reinstate a fantastic CAT A product for the new tenant which celebrates the existing building but accommodates the necessary upgrades.

Working with Derwent London and Bloom construction we took a scan of the vacated office space, coordinated the services enhancements and designed the necessary upgrades before overseeing construction.